Child Care Services for Families

Are you a parent/guardian looking for child care?

Our Parent Referral Consultants can do a detailed search for you to find child care. The search is based on your child’s age, the area where you want child care to be, your work or school schedule, and the type of care you prefer.

Why does the CCRR not have a general list of child care settings that I can use?

We appreciate providing a tailor-made referral for you and your family. If you would like a complete list of licensed child care facilities, kindly contact the Community Care Facilities Licensing at: 250-519-3401. Please note that you will need to know what kind of care you want for your child in order to use the list.

Please fill out our child care referral form. You should be hearing from us within 2 business days.

Not sure what type of care you are looking for?

Victoria Child Care Resource and Referral offers the following services to families:

  • Referrals to licensed and registered license-not-required child care providers. These referrals can be made in person at our office or can be emailed to you.
  • Information about and assistance with the Affordable Child Care Benefit
  • Phone consultations with early childhood professionals
  • Internet access to child care-related websites
  • Information about community resources
  • Toys and resources to use with your child and to assist with your parenting

Information of Interest to You in Your Search for Child Care

Affordable Child Care Benefit Information

We can assist families applying for the Affordable Child Care Benefit  at Victoria Child Care Resource and Referral, located at 2840 Nanaimo Street, suite 203, effective January 25th, 2025. We can photocopy and fax applications and documents. Office hours are 9:00am to 6:00pm on Monday, 9:00am to 4:00pm on Tuesday through Friday and 8:00am to 12:00pm on Saturday.

If you require assistance with filling out the application, please feel free to drop in any time we are open. You can estimate your funding and apply for the Benefit at the ministry website here.

Please note: If you wish to have the application forms mailed to you, or have any questions about the Affordable Child Care Benefit program, please contact the Affordable Child Care Benefit Centre: 1-888-338-6622 (8:30am – 4:30pm) or visit Child Care BC’s Child Care page.

Child Care Referral

If you would like us to provide you with names of child care providers in your specific neighbourhood (we serve Greater Victoria, following the School District #61 perimeters), click the button below Child Care Referral Form.

Please ensure to include your email address so that we can email you a parent package with information about selecting quality child care. If you are seeking child care in an area not served by the Victoria CCRR (ex. The Saanich Peninsula, Colwood, Langford, and Sooke), please visit the provincial CCRR website to learn which CCRR program services the area in your search for child care.

* Please note: In the best interest of families, no recommendations or endorsements of individual child care facilities or programs are made. The responsibility for selecting child care rests with families who, when well-informed, are best able to select and evaluate services that meet their needs. View full disclaimer.

** We do not approve your affordable child care benefit application. We assist you to compile all of the documents and information so that it is as concise as possible before it is sent to the Ministry.

Community Partners and Information